Monday, March 5, 2012

Our Little Garden

Yesterday Joe and I finally got the raised bed cleaned out and ready to plant. We had started some seeds in those indoor greenhouse trays a couple of weeks ago and now some of them were ready for their garden home. 

 We were excited that the soil in the raised beds looked so nice. After some cleaning up, Joe made the rows. 

We have green beans, tomatoes, jalapenos, Romaine lettuce and salad lettuce in this bed. 
The back bed will be cleaned out in a week or so for the cucumbers, watermelon and strawberries. 

We have 30 or so Sunflowers started, I think I'll be putting them out this week along the fence. I also have some 4o'clocks started that I'm thinking will go in the front around the windows. I love 4o'clocks, they remind me of my Granny and Papa's house, she had lots of them growing on the side of the house and they were so pretty.

OH and while cleaning up around the fence, Joe found lots of 'briers' just outside the cyclone fence... I 'think' they may be blackberries so we'll wait a month or so before clearing them out. I am so hoping it's berries!! So very cool! LOL

There is a single rose bush by the back patio. When we first moved in, I thought it was dead, it was so pitiful looking. I trimmed it up and was rewarded with huge surprise! She is now showing BIG beautiful pink roses. 

Right next to the porch and rose bush we have bird feeders. I love sitting out on the porch watching the birds and the squirrel who occasionally visits.

The garden and plants make me so happy. I love nature and it's miracles, such a lift to my spirit to be nurturing life and beauty from the soil of Mother Earth. Can't wait to have veggies to put on our table !! 


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